Updated: December 20, 2021

I created this website using Github pages and Jekyll. I document the steps I followed with some links that I found particularly helpful for my setup.

Disclaimer: This post is as much for my own reference as it is for sharing resources. It is not a detailed tutorial, but rather an overview of setting up a website and corresponding resources. It focuses on MacOS. As I learn more, I will add information!

Setting Up a Website

  1. I found an example of a website created in Jekyll that I liked. Thankfully, this researcher made his own Jekyll template. I also enjoyed perusing the lists of Jekyll themes at the below links.
  2. I forked the repository of the theme on GitHub, naming it aziff.github.io. I then cloned the repository to get a local copy. I suggest reading the README.md file associated with your chosen theme to follow any additional steps that may be required.

  3. I set up Ruby and associated software (e.g., Homebrew) on my computer. Even though Apple computers come with a system Ruby, it is advised to set up a separate Ruby to help manage libraries/versions.
    • I followed Steps 1-8 outlined in this very detailed guide. It includes separate instructions for Intel or M1 chips and has some advice for troubleshooting common issues.
  4. I set up Jekyll following this general advice for Jekyll on macOS. Note that the guide suggested in step 3 has directions to use asdf rather than rbenv. I also installed bundler.

  5. I followed all the steps in the section “Add the github pages gem” in this guide.

Updating a Website

I edit the files in my repository to customize and update my website. To test changes, I use the first line and navigate to http://localhost:4000. Once I am ready to publish changes, I use the second line.

bundle exec jekyll serve
bundle exec jekyll build

Other Resources